Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Week 13: Final Assessment

Yeeee Haaaaa!, the final one. I must say, for me, it has been an enlightening if not harrowing experience. However, it has been a extremely positive one in the end. I have converted to Mac and that alone is a significant achievement. There is no question in my mind that I will benefit tremendously from the knowledge gained. Yes... it is true that I see it from three different perspectives.

The "Good"; web links are no where near as difficult as first presumed and handy for making easy connections for the outer people looking in. Flickr is great and now a personal favourite of mine when it comes to parking images for easy access around the globe. I only wish that I had known about it earlier. Delicious, is "Delicious" and is now a staple of my daily cyber diet. How I managed without out it before is beyond my comprehension, and I even find myself preaching the benefits of this wonderful bookmarking site like some kind of Born Again evangelistic patriarch who is ordained in the ministry of 'Delicious'... Hallelujah! Donations can be made on my website.

The"Bad"; Blogger, which I am modestly proficient at now, but ranks right up there with Facebook as the consummate time waster for anyone who has a life.

And the"Ugly"; Technorati, which I can't really comment on at this point because it clearly states in the university policy that the use of profanity is strictly forbidden.

So what did I learn from this subject over the course of the semester?

1) Multimedia is vitally important to my life, both now and into the future. After skirting dangerously behind the iworld for far too many years, I am now embracing the path forward to "Technological Singularity". (Look it up, its coming to a theatre near you)
2) I do understand the purpose of web links and see them as essential in all forms of communication. Email, blogs, websites and so forth, providing easy access for respondents, as well as inviting further click through and page views on websites. Moreover, I can actually implant them myself with the skills gained from the course.
3) I have learnt that blogging has its place, and though I doubt that I will have the time to actually do it, I view it as a necessary part of promoting any business venture online or off.
4) Flickr, what can I say that I haven't said already. What a great place for the web images I find, and I get them on whatever continent that my feet are peddling on. Thank you!
5) Delicious, again is a spectacular find and I will cherish the benefits into the future. Don't forget to leave your donations at the door.
6) Templates, yeah I know what they are now.
9) FTP & Athene, got it.
10) Counters and RSS, an essential part of any web page, although I still would like to know how to choose the one that counts uniques.
11) Technorati, Burn in Hell!

Week 12: Revision and Assessment Prep

Well it came around faster than I expected.

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