Thursday, March 26, 2009

Week 5:

Delicious is a sweet find. This site would be excellent for anyone who is moving frequently between computers. I will surely be adding it to my personal tools list. Besides the usual stupendous list of applications, I admire the story behind the man.

In 2003, Joshua Schachter released the first version of Delicious. Then in 2005, he left his day job to work on it fulltime, and by the end of 2005 he had sold it to Yahoo for an estimated $50 million. Not a bad effort for a couple of years work.

Also interesting is the Domain or URL, "" a cool example of domain hacking, which combinations letters to form a word or phrase. What a great idea, just when I thought I had bought my domain quota for the year.

To be sure, there are other competing bookmarking services, but none command the value anywhere near the range of Delicious.

Here is a Link to Delicious

Here is a Link to the mpi104 blog.


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